The higher education minister, Yogendra Upadhyay has directed that the topic of road safety be included in the Run for G-20 program scheduled on January 21st. On Monday at Vidhan Bhavan, while chairing a combined meeting of higher, secondary, technical, and vocational education departments, Mr. Yogendra mentioned that all departments connected to education will be making joint efforts in creating awareness about road safety to save precious lives.
He directed that the topic of road safety which is of utmost importance should also be included in the Run for G-20 program that is going to be organized on Saturday, January 21st. Yogendra mentioned that the higher education department will soon be including road safety in the college curriculum and chapters concerning road safety at the secondary and primary levels or in a separate book on moral education beneficial to the students.
He said, “Essay competition on road safety should be organized in all schools and colleges together on the same day and an oath for road safety should be administered in the assembly held in the schools/colleges.” The minister highlighted that the simultaneous organization of these programs in all the institutes will make the efforts effective.
Yogendra informed that the UP government is organizing Road Safety Month from 5th January to 4th February as road safety is a sensitive subject in today’s scenario. It’s the right time to spread awareness among the people. He further added saying, “To avoid loss of life and property in road accidents, it is necessary for citizens to follow traffic rules, and it is the responsibility of the education department to develop traffic rules among students.”