The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management (EAHM): Pioneer of Quality Hospitality Education in the Middle East

The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management (EAHM)
The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management

Dubai’s status as a global hospitality hub provides aspiring hospitality professionals and students with unparalleled opportunities. Whether working in a renowned hotel chain or contributing to the success of a trendy restaurant, students can apply their skills in a real-world setting. Considering these facts, Hospitality programs in the schools of Dubai are designed in collaboration with industry experts, ensuring that the curriculum remains relevant and aligned with the evolving needs of the sector.

The curriculum of The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management (EAHM) signifies the importance of alignment with these evolving needs. It is one of the world’s leading hospitality business management schools and an integral part of the global luxury hotel company, Jumeirah Group.

It is a leading provider of university-level hospitality business education and offers an undergraduate and postgraduate degree designed to develop future hospitality leaders. All programmes of study are fully accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates, the Institute of Hospitality in the United Kingdom, and the International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THEICE) in Australia. Additionally, it is a higher education member of the Council of International Schools (CIS).

Simulated Learning Environment

EAHM offers the following courses:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration in International Hospitality Management
  • Master of International Hospitality Management
  • Professional Training & Development (PT&D) courses for hospitality workforce
  • Semester abroad programmes in collaboration with international universities
  • Dubai Leadership Camps for high school students

EAHM ensures that its students receive hands-on experience, and practical training is a fundamental aspect of its approach to preparing them for success in the hospitality industry. The Academy believes in equipping students with not only theoretical knowledge but also real-world skills that are essential for excelling in their future careers. It achieves the same through internship and industry placements, simulated learning environments, practical workshops, collaborative projects, guest lectures and industry visits, experiential learning courses, and industry-driven curriculum.

Rich Networking and Internship Opportunities

The school collaborates extensively with over 200 industry partners to provide students with rich networking and internship opportunities. This collaboration includes career fairs, industry talks integrated into classes, practical application of coursework in industry settings, personalized mentorship sessions, and a leadership series, all aimed at offering students diverse and immersive experiences within the professional sphere.

Furthermore, students enrolled in the three-year Bachelor’s programme undergo two full-time paid internships, one following their first year and another upon completing their studies, ensuring a nearly 100 percent employability rate. Meanwhile, the Master’s programme offers students the flexibility to work alongside their studies, facilitated by evening class schedules, allowing them to work during the day.

Graduates enjoy the same opportunities as students, ensuring a seamless transition from education to the workforce. EAHM Career Services department provides tailored support for both students and graduates, covering CV writing, conflict resolution, interview skills, and job opportunities, including internships, industry positions, resume refinement, and global placements in Dubai and worldwide. Moreover, the EAHM Career Fair acts as a platform for students and alums to network with many globally and locally renowned companies in the tourism and hospitality industry.

It assists them with securing internships, graduate programmes, and full-time job opportunities. A key highlight of the fair is the on-site recruitment possibilities with industry leaders, including on-the-spot interviews with their preferred employers. EAHM also provides alum networking events where graduates can reconnect with old classmates, create new connections with the rest of the alum community, and meet successful industry representatives to expand their professional network. Additionally, it stays constantly connected with former students through Alumni Groups on social media and Hosco.

Equipping Students with the Requisite Skills

Incorporating technology and innovation into the curriculum is seen as imperative to equip students with the requisite skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a sector that is undergoing rapid and dynamic transformation. By infusing curricula with technology-centric and AIinspired modules and by fostering a culture of innovation, EAHM empowers students to not only meet the contemporary demands of the industry but also to contribute to its ongoing evolution, ensuring the competitiveness of EAHM and its relevance in an ever-evolving sector.

Tales of Hospitality Excellence

Following their studies at the institute, numerous alums have made significant contributions to the hospitality industry, highlighting the impact of EAHM education on their successful careers. One notable individual is Farida Talaat, an accomplished BSc alumna of The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management.

Her career journey spans prestigious positions with renowned agencies and leading brands, including roles at Jumeirah Group, Canon, and Burj Al Arab. Presently, she serves as a Communications Advisor for the Government of Dubai. Moreover, Nadine Seebacher, an EAHM Honours graduate, transitioned from Jumeirah Group in Germany to become the Director of Marketing at FIVE Hotels & Resorts.

Her leadership was instrumental in the successful launch of Bohemia at Beach by FIVE, resulting in increased revenue and attracting over 18,000 visitors. Notably, her strategic approach garnered substantial social media success, amassing over 700,000 followers and reaching 60 million views on TikTok for FIVE.

Crafting Tailored Learning Plans

EAHM prioritizes the integration of students with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and social challenges, by crafting tailored learning plans and offering comprehensive support. By engaging in hands-on hospitality practices, these students acquire skills that enable successful integration within the industry.

Furthermore, with a vibrant mix of +60 nationalities represented, the community celebrates a rich diversity, fostering a dynamic environment for learning. EAHM student body comes from various high school programs worldwide, including American, British, French, Indian, and Chinese national curriculums, ensuring a diverse and inclusive educational experience.

EAHM prides itself on globally recognized accreditation from the UAE Ministry of Education, the UK’s Institute of Hospitality, and the International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE-ICE) in Australia. Its affiliations and endorsements encompass a diverse range of esteemed institutions and organizations, including Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), EuroCHRIE, AACSB International, Council of International Schools (CIS), HOSCO, American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI), Wine & Spirits Education Trust (WSET), and the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE). These diverse partnerships reflect its dedication to providing a comprehensive and internationally acclaimed educational platform.

Fostering Strategic Alliances

EAHM maintains a pulse on the hospitality industry by actively engaging with key events such as the Arabian Travel Market, The Hotel Show, and the Future Hospitality Summit. These partnerships provide valuable insights into the latest trends and advancements for students and faculty.

Additionally, collaborations with renowned hotel businesses enrich its curriculum through guest lectures by industry experts, field trips to leading hotels, and their co-creation of the learning content. By fostering these strategic alliances, the school ensures that students receive firsthand knowledge and practical experiences, enabling them to adapt to industry changes effectively and meet the evolving demands of the hospitality sector.

Fostering a culture of creativity and entrepreneurship among students is an integral part of cultivating innovative solutions that address the dynamic demands of the fast-paced hospitality and tourism industry. EAHM plays a vital role in this endeavour by implementing strategies that encompasses entrepreneurial education, mentorship, practical experience, and the creation of a supportive ecosystem.

Introduction to Real-world Challenges

By offering mentorship opportunities during alum events, interdisciplinary collaboration, and exposure to real-world challenges through industry partnerships, EAHM´s mission is to create an entrepreneurial spirit within students. The school creates a learning environment and culture that not only stimulates creativity but also equips students with the skills and mindset to develop pioneering solutions for the continually evolving landscape of the hospitality and tourism industry.

One of the prevailing challenges faced by hospitality management institutes in the Middle East lies in the misconception that the primary resources driving the economy are centred around science, technology, oil, and gas, which often underestimates the importance of the booming tourism industry.

As a consequence, there is a significant gap in adequately preparing a workforce tailored to the demands of a flourishing tourism economy. EAHM shifted the focus to nurturing management skills for the hospitality sector to meet the region’s tourism industry demands effectively.

Prioritizing Environmental Consciousness

EAHM courses emphasize the alignment of hospitality practices with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fostering awareness of global challenges such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. Through experiential learning and initiatives like the “Room of the Future,” students actively engage with SDGs, fostering creativity and environmental consciousness. EAHM hosts events focused on sustainable development, encouraging active student participation. By combining innovative learning approaches and practical experiences, EAHM prepares graduates to contribute to ethical and sustainable practices in the hospitality industry.

Nurturing Future Leaders

Students at the Academy have a wide array of opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities and join student organizations closely tied to the hospitality sector. These include active involvement in the Student Council and various student clubs, such as happiness clubs and the volleyball club, which encourages collaboration between faculty and students.

Additionally, students take part in prestigious events like the Future Hospitality Summit and Future Leaders Challenge Competition, offering them exposure to industry insights. They also have volunteering prospects for internal events, serve as student ambassadors, and benefit from a Leadership Series that presents international opportunities for growth and development within the hospitality field.

EAHM’s primary objective is to nurture future leaders and equip them with the skills to proficiently manage hotels and hospitality businesses while also enabling them to understand and adeptly respond to the dynamic trends in the tourism sector. Its approach is dedicated to fostering forward-thinking individuals who are well prepared to shape the future of the industry, empowering them not only to operate within but also to innovate and lead in the realms of tourism and hospitality.

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