Silviu Cojocaru: Paving Paths to Deeply Fulfilling Careers

Silviu Cojocaru
Silviu Cojocaru

The Aha! Moment Academy is committed to empowering individuals in strategically finding work that ignites their bliss each morning and brings them a deep sense of fulfilment at the end of the day. Founded by Silviu Cojocaru, a Career Coach with an inspiring journey of his own, the academy aims to provide comprehensive support to clients.

Silviu’s career began with great promise, as he was awarded the UK’s Student Employee of the Year Award at the age of 19. However, he soon encountered a sense of dissatisfaction in his work, prompting him to explore new paths.

By the age of 23, Silviu had already embarked on a dynamic journey, transitioning across three different industries. Through his relentless pursuit of professional growth, he had successfully cultivated a repertoire of skills, allowing him to secure coveted positions in each field he explored. He even established a side business that focused on assisting clients in achieving their ideal careers.

As Silviu’s reputation grew, so did his impact. At 25, Silviu joined forces with Steve Miller to cofound The Aha! Moment Academy, driven by their realization that clients required more than just job search assistance. Their collaboration stemmed from a shared realization that each person has a unique contribution to make and that clients seeking career guidance required more than just assistance with their job search, they needed a comprehensive approach to career planning. The Aha! Moment Academy emerged as a transformative platform that catered to this essential need.

Through his dedicated efforts, Silviu has facilitated the growth of countless professionals and governmental organizations, investing over 1,000 hours in the process. He developed the FORMAL approach, which has proven highly effective, and earned certification as an Integra Protocol Trainer by the age of 29.

Embracing the Gift of Life

Silviu’s early life was full of adversities too. When his mother was pregnant with him, all the doctors predicted that both of them would die if she proceeded with the pregnancy. However, she displayed immense courage and decided to move forward, despite the risks involved. Miraculously, both of them survived, and now Silviu cherishes each day of his life as a precious gift.

Silviu says, “Every morning when I wake up, I am grateful to have the opportunity of helping others and I see every day as a gift.”

As his life was granted as a gift, when Silviu hit rock bottom in 2015, he made a conscious choice to dedicate his life to serving others. He remembered that his purpose was to help individuals discover and pursue careers that they genuinely find meaningful and purposeful. And he decided to assist people who are at a crossroads in their lives, guiding them through job or career transitions so that they can maximize their time and potential. This is not simply a job, career, or mission for him; it is his work purpose.

Silviu shares, “There is tremendous power in refusing to settle and declaring, I know I am capable of achieving more in my life and career. So, whenever people are ready to navigate this crossroads, I want to be the guide that helps them through this journey.”

A Systematic Approach to Career Coaching

The Implicit Career Search Method serves as the foundation for The Aha! Moment Academy.  Dr Will Schutz’s FIRO Theory guides participants to make their career decision from the very core of who they are – their essence.

Miller’s Career Development Spectrum provides the steps and stages required to cultivate that work purpose into a successful, contributing career.

Besides bringing Steve’s innovative ICS method into the online space, Silviu Cojocaru has devised a groundbreaking methodology known as FORMAL, designed to empower individuals in effectively implementing their career plans. It addresses a common challenge faced by many during such transitions: the ability to articulate their previous experience in a manner that resonates with their new desired industry.

Silviu’s FORMAL method operates on the belief that one’s previous experiences, no matter how diverse or seemingly unrelated, can be skilfully reframed and tailored to align with the requirements and expectations of a target industry. By providing participants with a clear roadmap and empowering them with the tools to convey their worth, the FORMAL method eliminates the common hurdle of feeling lost or uncertain in the face of a job, industry or even career transition.

An Ideal Career Coach

Silviu holds two certifications, and he’s currently working towards his third certification:

  • Specific to Career Coaching: He is a certified Implicit Career Search (ICS) Coach. Over the past four years, he has guided hundreds of individuals, ranging from mid-to-senior contributors, managers, and leaders, up to C-level executives, in planning their careers using the ICS method. He has also had the privilege of spending a significant amount of time with the creator of this method, learning even the finest nuances of this approach.
  • Specific to Self-Processing Therapy: He is one of the only 13 Certified Integra Processors in the world. The Integra Protocol is a system designed to release emotional problems, trauma, negative experiences, limiting beliefs, and emotional barriers that hinder people from working towards their goals.
  • General Coaching: He is currently working towards obtaining his Professional Coaching Certification (PCC) from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) by 2024.

Paving the Right Career Paths

While talking about the things to prioritize in one’s career, Silviu mentions, “Never sell your soul for a paycheck. At the end of your life, you won’t regret leaving a bad working environment, but you may regret staying for too long or prioritizing it over your family or other aspects of your life. You can get your money back, but you can’t regain your time or your mental and physical health.”

Many professionals at a crossroads find themselves trapped in toxic environments due to fear. They worry that they won’t find a role they love whilst maintaining their desired level of financial stability and lifestyle. This fear is further compounded by the belief that the grass won’t be greener on the other side, leading individuals to doubt the possibility of finding a job that is significantly better than their current situation. This fear is deeply ingrained in the way people manage their careers.

Most individuals change roles because they are trying to escape their current situation:

  • They want to leave behind a toxic environment and bad leadership.
  • They want to avoid politics, bureaucracy, and excessive processes.
  • They want to use their time at work to do something more exciting, valuable for themselves or others.

Silviu believes that if someone considers making a change, they should ask themselves:

  • Am I making this decision out of fear?
  • How can I avoid entering another job or career that will be more of the same?

A fancy job title or a different job at another company won’t solve the underlying problems that individuals face when they are at a crossroads. Additionally, changing the work environment without addressing personal growth may lead to encountering the same issues in a different context.

If someone is struggling to find a more fulfilling career path, they should start by understanding themselves beyond the traditional personality tests or the standard lists of likes or dislikes. Silviu encourages people at crossroads to understand the patterns of behaviours that keep them stuck.

Lastly, it is not uncommon for individuals to find themselves trapped in a state of stagnation, primarily due to a lack of awareness regarding their own limitations. They may not be aware of the skills they truly enjoy using, the impact they want to make, or the job opportunities that align with their current experience. They may also struggle with effectively marketing themselves for new roles. This uncertainty often leads to a prolonged period of trial and error, where precious time and energy are spent in a seemingly endless pursuit of the right fit. Instead of spending years in trial-and-error mode, these people should search for the right tools to gain clarity and consider investing in a career coach whose method resonates with them. A reputable career coach possesses the insights, experience, and expertise necessary to guide individuals through the labyrinth of self-discovery.

Reaching a Larger Audience

This year, Silviu is planning to make more appearances on podcasts and at conferences. He would like to have a bigger impact and share this simple method with a larger audience.

In early 2024, he is planning to establish a virtual group workshop to complement the existing 1-1 services that can be attended by people from anywhere in the world. This will allow him to reach a wider audience and impact at scale.

Additionally, he plans to organize face-to-face workshops where participants can go through the entire process in a weekend. This is scheduled to take place in late 2024 and will provide an immersive and interactive experience for the attendees.

Efficient Career Coaching

The method Silviu uses stands out as a trailblazing approach, distinct from any other in the world. What sets it apart is its unique integration of both internal and external work, providing participants with a comprehensive journey towards attaining clarity, purpose, and direction in their lives. Participants learn to shift their behaviours, emotions, self-concept, and self-esteem while also strategically managing the growth of their careers, enabling them to use employers instead of being used by them.

This is the only career planning method that has been extensively researched, studied, and tested by independent studies. It has been found to be up to 300 percent more efficient than traditional methods in helping participants improve their self-esteem – a key ingredient to clarifying participants’ career direction. No other career planning and transitioning method has undergone such comprehensive research. Unlike traditional approaches that concentrate solely on translating individual strengths, this distinctive method takes a holistic approach, empowering individuals to undergo a transformative process by integrating their vast, untapped potential before embarking on a specific career path.

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