Maryland Higher Education Commission Appointments Announced by Governor Moore


In today’s announcement, Governor Wes Moore named Catherine “Cassie” Motz, who will chair the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

“The Maryland Higher Education Commission is poised to help make the necessary innovative changes to be a solid building block in my promise to build pathways to work, wages and wealth,” said Gov. Moore. “The extensive knowledge and unwavering commitment that our new commissioners possess will drive the transformation of higher education in Maryland.”

The Maryland Higher Education Commission, the state’s higher education regulating and coordinating body, is in charge of developing national standards for for-profit career schools as well as public and private colleges and universities in Maryland. Each year, the commission distributes $130 million in financial aid to more than 65,000 students in Maryland.

Twelve people make up the commission; they are chosen by the governor with the Senate’s advice and approval. All other members are appointed for terms of five years except for one student member who is serving a one-year term.

“Each member of this diverse and inclusive commission brings significant expertise in academic, career, technical, educational, and workforce development to the table,” said Maryland Higher Education Acting Secretary Dr. Sanjay Rai. “The guidance they provide will help align higher education with the state’s emerging needs in academic programs, workforce, and research.”

The member include Catherine “Cassie” Motz, Chair, Dr. Charlene Mickens Dukes, Chike Aguh, Dr. Sheila Thompson, Mickey Lynn Burnim, Dr. Janet Wormack, Rebecca Taber Staehelin, Tanya Johnson, Student Commissioner and others.

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