Leading the Way at Universitas Bakrie

Universitas Bakrie

In the world of education, we often find inspiring leaders who shape the future of a nation. One such remarkable figure is Prof. Sofia W. Alisjahbana, a highly respected and influential woman in academia. Growing up in a family that valued education, she always felt a calling to become an educator. Today, she proudly serves as the Rector of Universitas Bakrie, where her leadership has propelled the institution’s growth and success.

This story aims to highlight Prof. Sofia W. Alisjahbana’s journey and her incredible achievements during her tenure at Universitas Bakrie.

A Vision for Educational Excellence

Prof. Sofia firmly believes that education is the key to a nation’s progress. By improving the quality of higher education, we can enhance Indonesia’s overall development. Universitas Bakrie shares this vision, striving to provide extensive opportunities for Indonesian students to pursue higher education.

Prof. Sofia has implemented strategies to make Universitas Bakrie competitive on both national and international platforms. The university aspires to be a global player, fostering innovation and professionalism.

Strong Industry Connections

One of Prof. Sofia’s accomplishments lies in forging strong partnerships between Universitas Bakrie and the industry, particularly the Bakrie Group. This collaboration has resulted in programs that bridge the gap between academic knowledge and practical applications.

Graduates from Universitas Bakrie benefit from the wealth of knowledge imparted by the Bakrie Group, enabling them to transition into their careers seamlessly.

Empowering Entrepreneurs

Universitas Bakrie strives to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset among its students. Programs like Management provide students with business strategies, product development, financial management, and other essential entrepreneurial skills. The university also houses the Center for Innovation and Business Incubator (PIIB), which actively supports student startups through collaborations with local and international ventures. Through regular meetings, coaching clinics, and incubation facilities, PIIB accelerates the growth of these startups.

As of 2023, PIIB has successfully graduated 39 startups across various industries, including IT, services, food, and the creative sector. This diverse range of startups showcases the breadth of innovation and entrepreneurial talent within the university. Every year, PIIB selects at least five promising startups for incubation. The incubation process spans three stages over three semesters, during which the startups receive guidance, mentorship, and access to a range of resources to refine their business models and enhance their market competitiveness.

Achievements and Global Recognition

Prof. Sofia’s leadership has garnered international recognition for Universitas Bakrie. The university has been consecutively named the Best Private University in Indonesia for three years (2021-2023) by Times Higher Education (THE) due to its significant contributions to sustainable development goals.

Additionally, Universitas Bakrie has secured the top position among private universities in Jakarta in THE Impact Rankings for three consecutive years (2021-2023). These achievements solidify the university’s standing as a leading institution that actively supports the Sustainable Development Goals.

Commitment to Sustainable Development

Universitas Bakrie is dedicated to integrating sustainable development into its campus activities. The university excels in research that contributes to sustainable development, responsible resource management, community outreach, and teaching that raises awareness and understanding of sustainable development goals.

Prof. Sofia acknowledges the efforts of the entire academic community in making a positive impact on society as they continue to prioritize and advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Prof. Sofia W. Alisjahbana’s leadership as the rector of Universitas Bakrie has been truly remarkable. Her commitment to excellence and her vision for educational advancement have propelled the university’s success.

With strong industry connections, an emphasis on entrepreneurial development, and a focus on sustainable development, Universitas Bakrie continues to make significant contributions to higher education in Indonesia. Under Prof. Sofia’s guidance, the university is shaping a bright future for students from all walks of life.

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