Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds Signs the Seismic ‘school choice’ bill into Law

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds

On Tuesday, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds was jubilant as she signed a seismic education plan that would spread in the next three years, into law.

The new law will enable any Iowa family to use taxpayer funds to pay for private school tuition at the cost of $345 million annually to the state government, once it is completely brought into action. In a crowd of children, parents, lawmakers, and other supporters who gathered in the Iowa Capitol of Rotunda, Gov. Kim Reynolds inked the legal document of law, exclaiming “What an amazing day for our children.”

Gov. Reynold’s third and most ambitious effort to pass the school reform of ‘school choice’ legislation is represented in the massive sweeping legislation. This push has also been mirrored in the other republican party-led states. The past years had seen disagreements over Kim’s proposals that got dragged on for months, subsequently ending in failure.

However, this year, making use of their expanded legislative majorities, the Republicans cleverly steered the latest version of the legislation into the law by the session’s third week itself. Speaking on the benefits of the new law to the families, the governor mentioned that Iowa will be “funding students instead of a system.”

Kim got an emphatic response from the crowd through a chorus of ‘amen’, as she said, “Public schools are the foundation of our educational system, and for most families, they’ll continue to be the option of choice. But they aren’t the only choice. And for some families, a different path may be better for their children.”

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