International Education: Creating A New Borderless World


Globalization plays a vital role in the education sector, worldwide. Due to the global approach of international schools and colleges, many students’ desires to pursue their education that help them develop dynamic skills, required in the employment industry.

International learning opens the door for multitude of opportunities, while the students come up with new innovative ideas. Being involved in various cultures and learning different languages, the experience and exposure of multicultural ecosystem is always an added advantage.

According to the ISC Research conducted in January 2019, it is revealed that there were 10,282 international schools, 5.36 million students, and 5,03,000 staff members available around the world; it is predicted that the demand for international education may increase in upcoming years.

Do you know that education has become the need of an hour?

The education sector is leading the edge of international development. If you have noticed that, since education has become a basic need, many individuals are shifting abroad to pursue further studies. The government provides a scholarship program for those students who can’t afford to take education abroad.

 What is the Importance of International Education?

Globally, governments facilitate scholarships to students, encouraging them to pursue their education abroad. This promotes mass participation of students in international education and help to change the perspective of people towards education.

It may be endeavouring to provide citizens with a level of education and knowledge to contribute to their country’s economy.

Out of many, major benefits of international education are:

  • The students will get future career opportunities determined by more life and personal experiences.
  • International education widens the views toward the world and changes the way of thinking toward different language and culture.
  • Students learn the different languages, and it will bring fluency in speaking, reading, and writing foreign languages.
  • International education provides leadership qualities and personality development and boosts the students’ self-confidence.
  • Students who complete their education overseas contributes to the country’s economy through Forex exchange.
  • International education also provides inclusive courses that help students to grow in their careers and bring advancement in the society

Focused with an integrated and inclusive approach in the education sector, international university have introduced collaborative learning approach. Let’s look at its merits and future prospects

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) term is used at Coventry University, which is referred to the ‘virtual mobility experiences. It is fixed into the formal curriculum that will allow you to interact with your peers at international universities and professionals, which will ingrain the intercultural skills and some digital skills.

In the COIL project, four key elements describe an international education.

  • COIL associates with cross-border collaboration or interacts with people from different backgrounds and cultures.
  • It would help if you were engaged in some online interactions, whether nonsynchronous or synchronous.
  • It enhances the learning outcomes and aims to develop the education sector globally.
  • It brings the reflective component that benefits the students to assume seriously about such interactions.

International Education Challenges

Many students dream of going overseas to pursue further studies or earn money, but is going overseas easy? Definitely, not.

To get admissions in international university is quite challenging, you might face many difficulties during the admission process or after going there.

There are multiple challenges posed by students while the admission process.

  • Feeling like a stranger

No matter to which country you belong, if you go abroad for your education purpose, you might get bullied by the local people, and sometimes you may not receive any help from the people because they are not familiar with you.

  • Language Barrier 

Many students go abroad to pursue their further education but can’t interact with anyone because of the different language. Once the students learn the language, it won’t be a barrier, and it opens various doors to build a successive career.

Concluding Words

International Education is one of the significant steps for the country’s development as you get to learn the various new aspects that may benefit to raise the economy of our country and your interpersonal skills as well.

Also, those who go abroad and complete their education can bring new innovative solutions and transform the education sector, enhancing productivity and changing people’s perspectives on various matters.

Are you dreaming of pursuing your studies in international universities? If not, start dreaming; it might drive your career on the path to success.

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