Education in New York State Being Influenced by Roger Catania

Roger Catania

Roger Catania ’84, who spent forty years in education, is still enthusiastic about his work and wants to have an influence even after holding positions as a teacher, school counsellor, administrator, and other positions. In his capacity as a member of the NY State Board of Regents, he is doing this. A year after stepping down as Lake Placid’s school superintendent, he was appointed.

“Although it was an honor to hold the position and I felt fulfilled as a superintendent, it was time to hand it off to the next person,” Catania adds. “My goal in education was to have a different role. When I first noticed that [the Regent job for the North Country] was open, I wasn’t very interested in it.

However, I received a call asking to be considered, so I entered my information.

Catania was chosen to represent a region extending from the Canadian border south to Schenectady after a public interview. After he was appointed superintendent, the district he worked as a school counsellor in, Lake Placid, removed itself from the state’s list of schools in need of improvement, established universal Pre-K, and mend fences between the faculty and the administration. When the district completely reopened its schools in the fall of 2020, six months after the epidemic started, this proved to be advantageous.

He claims that “we didn’t have the adversarial relationship that we used to have between teachers and administrations, and unions and boards.” “We had an idea for a team. Even while opinions on how to handle the pandemic varied widely, there was general consensus that we should proceed and keep the schools open.

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