Education and Training are Crucial Foundations in the Relationship between Vietnam and Australia:  Expert

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Education and training have been vital pillars of cooperation in the Australia-Vietnam relationship since the implementation of the “Đổi Mới” (Renewal) policy in Vietnam, according to Suiwah Edna Leung, Honorary Associate Professor at the Australian National University (ANU) Crawford School of Public Policy. In an interview with the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) ahead of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s official visit to Australia, the scholar suggested that Australia could enhance bilateral cooperation by providing “soft infrastructure” to Vietnam. This includes training government officials in areas such as finance, environment, and business.

Dr. Leung emphasized the importance of sound financial and business regulations to promote the growth and development of Vietnam’s formal private sector, an area where Australia can provide valuable expertise. He also proposed internship programs in Australian government agencies for Vietnamese officials to gain practical experience and observe Australian management practices. This collaboration could contribute to the growth of the private sector in Vietnam and offer more investment opportunities for Australian companies.

The expert emphasized that effective financial and business regulations are essential for fostering the growth and advancement of Vietnam’s formal private sector, which is relatively small compared to regional standards, constituting only about 11% of the country’s GDP, as opposed to 30% in Thailand and 50% in China. He underscored that the systematic growth of private companies in a market economy relies on government regulations that are conducive to the market, representing a form of “soft infrastructure” that Australia is well-equipped to provide.

Dr. Leung expressed optimism about Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s visit to Australia, expressing hope for its success and anticipating the deepening of the relationship between the two countries through various avenues, including education and training.

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