Alumni Success Story

Alumni Success Story
Team Bepahkupi

Introduction and Background of Team Bepahkupi

Bepahkupi is a company operating in the agricultural industry, particularly focused on coffee.    By partnering with local coffee farmers, we strive to produce specialty-grade coffee that is certified organic.

Our vision at Bepahkupi is to uplift farmers and globalize Indonesian Coffee. The core team of Bepahkupi consists of six individuals with diverse backgrounds. Maulana Wiga serves as the CEO, Fany Kurnia Azi manages finance, M. An Naufal Langnegara and Al Syahga handle technology, while Ichlasul Amal and Akbar Fauzan Rambe are responsible for marketing.

Genesis of Bepahkupi and Inspirations for Coffee Business

The founding of Bepahkupi was sparked by Maulana Wiga’s concern as a fourth-generation coffee farmer. Being closely connected to the coffee farming community, Wiga witnessed the challenges faced by coffee farmers, including lengthy distribution chains, monopolistic practices, and a lack of education. These issues hindered the farmers’ ability to achieve a decent standard of living.

With a diverse founding team, Wiga initiated Bepahkupi to provide a comprehensive solution. Through observations and research, the concept of ‘Farmers to Customers’ emerged, where Bepahkupi acts as an intermediary to shorten the distribution chain, allowing farmers to gain more value and improve their livelihoods.

Bepahkupi’s Contribution to Indonesian Coffee Heritage

Indonesia boasts a rich cultural heritage, including traditional homes, clothing, and dances. Bepahkupi aims to incorporate these elements, not just promoting premium coffee products but also introducing Indonesian culture. This approach enhances cultural diplomacy, especially for products marketed internationally.

Support for Local Coffee Farmers and Enhanced Well-being

Bepahkupi established the Bepahkupi Support Center (BSC) across several Indonesian provinces to aid coffee farmers. Local representatives act as farmer companions, providing insights into the farmers’ needs. This enables Bepahkupi to offer targeted support that addresses specific challenges.

Bepahkupi’s Journey and Challenges in the Coffee Industry

As the world’s second-largest commodity, the coffee industry is highly competitive. Bepahkupi and others in the industry must be innovative and adaptive to succeed both locally and internationally.

Collaboration with Universitas Bakrie’s Role in Bepahkupi’s Development

As Universitas Bakrie alums, we appreciate the moral and material support received. The university’s business incubator (UBPreneur) provided mentoring for business development. Scholarships were also awarded as recognition for their achievements. These aspects, among others, have positively impacted Bepahkupi.

Proud Achievements and Recognitions

Bepahkupi’s accomplishments include representing Indonesia at Tuttofood Milano 2023 in Milan and receiving awards at BRILianpreneur 2022, where Bepahkupi secured first place for    ‘Best Deal’ and third place for ‘New Comer.’ This event by Bank Rakyat Indonesia celebrates SMEs.

Vision and Future Plans of Bepahkupi

Aligned with our vision of making Indonesian coffee global, we will innovate and collaborate extensively. Achieving this ambitious goal requires collaboration from farmers, government bodies, and stakeholders within the industry.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs from Universitas Bakrie

“If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.” This saying from Ratan Tata reminds us of the power of collaboration in realizing big dreams. A strong team united by a clear vision can make the journey towards achieving goals more efficient.

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