Aldenham Prep Riyadh: Delivering World-Class Comprehensive Education

Aldenham Prep Riyadh
Aldenham Prep Riyadh

With some of the Middle East’s fastest-expanding higher education institutions and a thriving economy that offers exciting career opportunities to international graduates, Saudi Arabia has a lot to offer as a study-abroad destination as well as to local students.

With the Saudi economy thriving and growing, innovative and strategic frameworks have been created to position the country as a global hub for foreign investments, renewable energy, and the high-tech industry.

Saudi Arabia is currently investing heavily in the construction of cutting-edge infrastructure that is intended to stimulate and foster innovation and growth. The intention is to become a cutting-edge future centre of innovation, industry, and sustainability. Such innovations are creating new prospects for graduates in a variety of areas, including engineering, manufacturing, construction, information technology, and banking.

Saudi Arabia has made active steps over the last decade to improve its universities and research facilities in order to become a leading knowledge economy, with steady growth in government spending on higher education.

These specialities and genuine efforts to ensure better quality education make Saudi an ideal place to get an education. The country has a rich educational history, with some of the most renowned institutes as its souvenir. Some of these institutes have been serving students for over a century now.

Aldenham Prep Riyadh is one of those names. It is a part of the AEGs network of international schools and has close ties to Aldenham School in Hertfordshire, in the UK. One of the oldest schools in the world, Aldenham UK has been operating continuously from the same site since 1597 and has over 425 years of experience delivering a world-class all- round education to its students, as well as the students at its sister schools, including Aldenham Prep and St. Hilda’s Preparatory School for Girls.

Aldenham Prep Riyadh opened in September 2022. Aldenham Education Group (AEG) opened the school in partnership with the Royal Commission for Riyadh City (RCRC) as part of their International Schools Attraction Programme.

Quality British Education in Riyadh

The mission of Aldenham Prep Riyadh is to offer a quality British education to all of its students and to help them become global citizens, preparing them for life after graduation and ensuring they’re ready for today’s interconnected world. The school’s Mission Statement states, “We provide a happy, nurturing and warm environment where quality learning takes place, and the needs of each individual child are fulfilled.”

The aim of the school is to encourage the love of learning; foster strong relationships between students, staff, and the wider community; nurture students’ unique talents; emphasize the importance of community in today’s society; and provide a well-organized and stimulating environment for students.

Nurturing the Talents

The school aims to help each student develop their talents, whether in academics, sports, or more creative subjects like music or drama. It believes in offering a wide and varied curriculum to impress upon students a lifelong love of learning.

Consistent Forward-Thinking

The Managing Partners of AEG – Alec Nejad and Shahram Hashemi – have been integral to the school’s success and have been closely involved in the opening and daily operations of Aldenham Prep Riyadh.

A crucial part of their role working at AEG, which is the global and commercial arm of the Aldenham Foundation, has been identifying, financing, developing and operating new schools in the GCC region and around the world. Their expertise in the financial and education sectors, thanks to many years of experience and their constant forward-thinking, has proven invaluable in making Aldenham Prep Riyadh a success for students, teachers and staff alike.

One of its Kind

Unlike other competitors, Aldenham Prep Riyadh is an owner-operated school – the first of its kind in Riyadh and entire GCC region. This makes it unique. Rather than simply being another franchise school, it is closely integrated with the rest of the Aldenham school network.

It is able to offer students an outstanding and authentic British education – although one that’s been carefully designed and tailored to suit the location here in Saudi Arabia. Since a British education is recognized and respected around the world, it can open up a world of possibilities for students and set them up for success in their later lives.

Accommodating Learning Styles with Better Infrastructure

The school buildings had already been built before it was even decided to open up Aldenham Prep Riyadh, so the existing structures constrained the school. However, it worked closely with the team of award-winning designers at Kidzink to convert these buildings and breathe new life into them.

Everywhere from the classrooms and the canteen to the outdoor play area, has been designed with the students in mind. They were created to inspire students, accommodate their unique learning styles, and enhance their learning wherever possible.

Physical education as an Integral Part of the Curriculum

Aldenham School in the UK has a long and storied sporting tradition and continues that tradition in Riyadh. Physical education is an integral part of the school’s life, and students have one PE lesson every week. They also have the chance to take part in extracurricular activities, including football, hockey, cricket, basketball, golf, swimming, and badminton.

However, sports aren’t the only extracurricular activity available for students. Students looking to learn new skills or hone their talents in other areas can learn languages like Spanish, make arts and crafts, express themselves in performing arts, and explore STEM subjects. There’s also a Homework Club twice a week for students to dedicate more time to studying and get extra guidance.

Forming An International Community

The school aims to prepare students for life after school as best as it can and teach them to become proactive, responsible global citizens. This school also works with its sister schools, which it is closely integrated with. The students at these schools benefit from this close relationship with Aldenham pupils in different countries and parts of the world, which reminds them they’re part of an international community.

Contributing to the Country’s Economic Success

Last year, in October, Aldenham Prep Riyadh was featured in Invest Saudi’s Investment Highlights Q3 2022 report. The report highlighted businesses and organizations in Saudi Arabia that was helping the country’s economy to grow. The school was pleased to see Aldenham Prep Riyadh included after it chose to expand to Saudi Arabia and hopes to continue to play a part in the country’s economic success.

Maintaining the Same Tempo

Lavenham Prep Riyadh will continue to grow and offer more opportunities for quality education for students in Riyadh. It is planning to open its secondary school, Aldenham Riyadh, in 2025. It already has a site for the school, which will be for students aged 11 to 18, and they’ll be able to move to Aldenham Riyadh after finishing their education at Aldenham Prep Riyadh.

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