St. Peter’s School: Paving the Way for a Successful Future for the Youth

St Peters School
St Peters School

Europe today derives much of its culture and elements of language from Spanish. And Spain, in no small measure, derives it from its flourishing education system, of which St Peter’s School is a shining example. It came about in the year 1964 at the hands of a family known for its contribution to education in a significant way.

Led by its CEO, Jordi Ginjaume Culell and his brother Josep Maria Ginjaume Culell, the school’s CFO, the board includes a team of leaders in education who work together to design and implement the school’s encompassing vision, which is to equip their students to be it in academic and personal life with skills that would make them successful as an also positive contributor to society.

Recognizing the fact that the model being followed a century back is obsolete with skill sets that have taken a paradigm shift, the school has dedicated itself to the cause of heartily accepting and promoting every disruptive evolution in the field of education that goes to benefit its student.

Mission and Vision

The school’s mission is to build a hub of knowledge that leads education in the direction of a new paradigm, in which its members understand that they have the opportunity to create a future with both individuals and the community taking an active part in achieving success while equally accepting that doing so involves risks and uncertainty. The school envisage itself as being a reference within the community and is ready to extend and share its experiences and model of working based as it is upon understanding each student and enabling them to think for themselves, and providing them with the resources that would help them remain inquisitive and interested all through their lives.

The school has always prided itself on being a front-runner and was the first international school in Barcelona to use English as a first language. It continues its innovative streak by setting the benchmark in education through innovative educational programs and approaches, the excellence of its students, the quality of its teachers, and the commitment of its international community of well-wishers and alumni. It’s not without reason that they have been recognized by none other than Forbes magazine as the #1 school in Spain in its latest ranking.

A Commitment to Excellence

Into the present, and aware of their lineage, as also the need for a serious change in the education paradigm, St Peter’s has committed itself to a unique educational project with three fundamental pillars: exponential science and technology, critical thinking, and a connection with the contemporary world we live in.

Furthering its first pillar, namely exponential science and technology that builds in students the ability to create appropriate solutions for problems of humanity in the present and future, the school incorporate its curriculum subjects dealing with the latest scientific and technological advances, connecting the classroom with the real world and helping students discover potential pathways and careers. These include subjects like robotics, STEM and computer science and a unique science Lab, the LAB06, for the very young at just six years of age, besides many of their units of inquiry in the PYP being linked to science and technology. As a matter of fact, during the school year 22/23, the Year 4 students carried out an investigation in Forensic Science.

Working towards the 2nd pillar, i.e., critical thinking, the school prepares its students to face challenges with an analytical, open mind that prepares them to live and flourish in any part of the world while being optimistic leaders who are creative, adaptable and have great interpersonal and communication skills. Working toward this goal, they remain the first school in Catalonia to introduce contemporary subjects such as blockchain, nanoscience, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence in its curriculum and are the only school in Barcelona to offer the IB Continuum in English across all stages from Nursery to Diploma Program.

The 3rd fundamental pillar of connecting students to the contemporary world sees the school send students on trips abroad. It includes:

  • Model United Nations, where students have travelled to the UN headquarters in New York and become delegates representing different member countries of the UN hosting the ‘Singularity Model United Nations,’ which allocates students from all over the world in 2030 to answer possible challenges the world may come to face.
  • Debate Leagues where students take part in national and international debate leagues with other students from all over Spain, with the most popular being the one organized by the private organization of schools, ‘CICAE.’
  • Public Speaking competitions, such as 4Voices, organized for students of International Schools in Barcelona
  • International Philosophy Olympiad. Winning a few Philosophy Olympiads of Catalonia and Spain, the students also take part in the International Philosophy Olympiad.
  • Participation in Kangaroo Math Competition. A selection of the school’s students in MYP takes part in this math competition, which is well-known all over the

Education is an all-encompassing field, so the school has four hubs for afterschool activities. While being open, all these include a Sports Hub, Thinkers Hub, Language Hub and Creative Hub. Activities here are designed for students to thrive, discover new talents and passions, play sports, develop new skills, and enjoy themselves.

Success Saga

An illustrious school that has been around for close to six decades, the school has to its credit a list of achievements that include:

  • Being featured in Forbes Magazine’s list of the Best School in Spain for 2022 and will make it again in 2023.
  • Awarded at the IV Edition of the Innovation in STEM Education by Polytechnic School of Girona.
  • Han Jin, a student, won the 7th position in the Kangaroo Maths Competition in Catalunya in 2022.
  • Martina Viganó, a student, was recognized for the best grade in IBDP in 2022.
  • Validated by IB for the three programmes, providing the school with the certificate to implement the IB Continuum.

Besides, the school is the only one in Barcelona to have the IB continuum in English from ages 3 to 18. Among its students and staff members are people from varied cultural backgrounds representing 42 nationalities, with quite a few students continuing with the school for their entire education.

With a shining illustrious past that is just as resplendent in the present, the school sees itself as the vanguard in accepting constructive disruption and being ahead of the pack while providing its students with the best education that shall keep them abreast with times and more.

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