Smartphones Banned for Young Pupils in Latvian Schools

Latvian Schools

From the next academic year, the use of mobile phones will be banned entirely for all Latvian schools in respect of their students up to year 6. Saeima approved the changes on October 10, motivated by new drafts of the Education Law. Based on the ban, pupils of pre-school and grades 1-6 are no longer allowed to use mobile phones, excepting some cases when a teacher grants such permission on educational grounds.

Agita Zariņa-Stūre, chair of the Education, Culture and Science Commission, emphasized the need for such amendments in light of young students running uncontrolled use of their mobile phones. “Studies show that just the presence of personal mobile phones, even when turned off, influences cognitive capacities and increases the chances of digital emotional violence,” Zariņa-Stūre said. The amendments will cut distraction and create a better learning environment.

The regulations go into effect on May 31, 2025. At that point, institutions shall have the requirement to create internal policies outlining how their institutions will handle mobile phones on campus. Although amendments do not specifically prohibit or permit students to bring mobile phones to school, devices will probably have to remain off during instructional hours.

In association with mobile phone restrictions, the amendments have vested schools with the power to search the belongings of students when it is considered there is a threat to personal safety, health, or life. According to the new provisions, the head of the educational institution or an authorized representative will be able to demand and check the students’ personal belongings. They might limit a student’s movement if such actions are deemed necessary for his safety. The Cabinet of Ministers shall establish the procedures accordingly by 31 January 2025.

The initiation came from Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs, who proposed admitting a search of students’ personal belongings as part of an all-rounded approach to the protection of the learning space. It then becomes a priority for the Latvian authorities to ensure that the learning environment is more secure and less distracted so that students can learn freely, without interference from personal mobile phones. Generally, it seeks better educational performance among students amid increased challenges in the classroom through the use of mobile phone technology.

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