Myke Celis: Crafting Memorable Moments through Insightful and Engaging Keynote Addresses

Myke Celis
Myke Celis

The selection of a headline speaker is crucial in setting the stage and guiding the event toward its intended goals. A keynote speaker does more than just deliver a presentation; they serve as an inspiration, a guide and a central figure in aligning the event with its objectives. Their role involves crafting a compelling narrative that deeply resonates with the audience.

One standout example of a speaker who excels in connecting with an audience is Myke Celis, M.A., PCC the Global Master Coach–CEO of Best Me Ever Professional Coaching, Training and Development Services. Myke dedicates significant time before each event to research the demographics, interests and challenges of his audience. This thorough preparation allows him to tailor his message to address their specific concerns and expectations effectively.

Known for his clear, relevant and insightful speeches, Myke aligns his content with the event’s theme and goals. He enhances his presentations with interactive elements and relatable anecdotes, forging a strong connection with his audience. His storytelling, enriched with personal experiences and real-world examples, makes his content both engaging and memorable. By utilizing dynamic vocal tones, expressive body language and effective visual aids, he ensures that his delivery is impactful.

Additionally, Myke evaluates the success of his keynote addresses through attendee feedback, which he uses to refine and improve future presentations. He also extends the influence of his speeches by offering additional resources and follow-up opportunities, ensuring that his impact continues well beyond the event.

Building Confidence through Public Speaking

From a young age, Myke was encouraged to perform at his mother’s office, which instilled a deep sense of confidence and a love for communication. His passion for activities involving public speaking naturally led him to join the debating team. This early enthusiasm carried over into his professional life, where he became a mentor in marketing and advertising. During this time, he recognized the profound power of words to influence and inspire.

After 15 successful years in marketing, Myke transitioned to a full-time career as a professional coach. Inspired by role models like Oprah and Tony Robbins, he found his true calling in speaking and motivating others.

His journey was shaped by significant challenges, including growing up in a dysfunctional family, facing bullying as an LGBTQIA+ member and enduring financial and personal hardships due to betrayal and abuse.

These experiences led to the creation of his coaching platform, #BestMeEver, which has become central to his talks and multimedia presence. Myke’s platform has propelled him to international recognition as a keynote speaker and coaching expert. His journey is a testament to resilience, personal growth and the transformative power of effective communication.

A Path to Authenticity

Myke has always believed that everyone has a beautiful story to tell and that by speaking up and taking up space, we can inspire others to do the same. His approach to communication is consistent, marked by authenticity and an unapologetic stance.

He always operates from his grandest version of himself—his own #BestMeEver. This philosophy is reflected in his talks, which are known for being short, crisp and straight to the point, yet full of reflections, heart and inspiration. Through this approach, Myke aims to connect deeply with his audience, encouraging them to embrace their own stories and live their most authentic lives.

Inspiring Transformation via Self-reflection

Myke’s goal each time he speaks is not to gain unanimous agreement from his audience but to prompt individual reflection on matters they may or may not have previously considered. He believes that his work is successful when he inspires others to ask and answer uncomfortable questions during their reflections.

For him, the essence of his role is to empower people to question themselves and those around them. He sees this process as the starting point for profound and beautiful changes, regardless of the answers they ultimately arrive at.

Crafting Presentations that Resonate

Much like with all his talks, Myke begins by grounding himself and reflecting on his intentions for the presentation, asking himself which of his stories will best represent those intentions. He firmly believes that human stories are universal and that delivering them in a raw and pure manner can break down the walls of bias, whether related to the topic or the speaker.

Additionally, he ensures that he thoroughly researches his audience, incorporating subtopics or ideas that resonate with them. Whether it’s a cultural reference when speaking overseas or an inside joke within a small corporate setting, he tailors his content to create a meaningful connection with his listeners.

Techniques for Encouraging Audience Introspection

Myke consistently opens and closes his talks with a question, encouraging his audience to engage in introspection and better appreciate the content. This approach reflects his natural inclination to be a professional coach. He prefers his talks to be free-flowing, sharing relatable and impactful stories that resonate deeply with his listeners.

His storytelling is so engaging that it often makes the audience feel as though they are part of the narrative. This emotional connection is why it’s not uncommon to see people moved to tears—whether from joy or otherwise—during his talks.

The Essence of Effective Talks

Myke stays informed about the latest technological trends and applies them when appropriate, but he is careful not to let them overshadow the essence of his talks. His priority is for people to be captivated by the content itself rather than by the way it is presented.

He believes in focusing less on flashy techniques and more on delivering heartfelt, impactful messages. For him, it’s always about less acrobatics and more heart.

The Art of Learning from Others

Myke enjoys watching TED Talks and other motivational videos on platforms like YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. He finds inspiration in the experiences of others and believes in the value of learning from diverse perspectives.

He also encourages people to engage in random conversations with strangers, as these interactions can often provide unexpected inspiration and valuable insights. He advocates for being open to learning as one explores new connections and experiences.

Overcoming Stage Fright Before Speaking

In addition to Myke’s aspiration to give talks in every country around the world, he also aims to mentor those who aspire to deliver a TED Talk. Having given 14 TEDx talks across the Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Indonesia, he is eager to use his knowledge and experience to help others amplify their ideas worth sharing.

He envisions creating a boot camp or workshop series designed to guide aspiring speakers in honing their skills and delivering impactful presentations on the TED stage.

A Path to Empowerment

Myke’s philosophy is to speak to inspire, not to impress. He believes that true impact comes from taking up space as your authentic self, sharing your genuine story and empowering others to do the same.

For him, the essence of effective communication lies in authenticity and the ability to inspire others to embrace and express their unique narratives.