Maynooth University Collaborates on EU Digital Education Initiative in Ukraine

Maynooth University
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The School of Business and the Center for Teaching and Learning at Maynooth University are involved in DigiFLEd, a three-year project funded by the European Union that aims to integrate information technology into higher education in Ukraine to improve its quality. With financing from the EU totaling €718,900, the DigiFLEd project—Modernization of University Education Programs in Foreign Languages by Integrating Information Technologies—got underway in January.

The goal of the Erasmus+ ability Building for Higher Education project, which is led by Tampere University in Finland, is to modernize and digitize 24 foreign language curriculum in order to increase the ability of Ukrainian universities. Teachers, university faculty, and students are the project’s target audiences; around 1,400 people should gain from it.

“The establishment of an accessible, inclusive digital learning environment becomes imperative given the prevailing geopolitical challenges facing Ukraine,” stated Dr. Emmanuel Kypraios, the project lead at MU. DigiFLEd seeks to preserve and develop Ukraine’s human capital for the future by guaranteeing the continuous and strong character of educational processes.

The project entails employer networking events, a network of virtual resource centers, training-the-trainers courses, development and piloting of seven ICT-enhanced courses for Ukrainian universities in partnership with European peers, benchmarking visits by Ukrainian teams to the EU partner universities, and a final conference.

In addition to Tampere and Maynooth University, the following seven Ukrainian universities are part of the DigiFLEd consortium: the University of Western Macedonia in Greece

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