Government Confirms STRB Recommendations of Fully Funded 5.5% Pay Award to Teachers

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School teachers and leaders will receive a fully funded 5.5% pay award, highlighting the crucial role they play in shaping children’s futures. This decision comes as the recommendations of the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) have been accepted in full. To support this pay award, schools will receive nearly £1.2 billion in additional funding, ensuring that both teachers and support staff are fully funded for the financial year 2024 to 2025. 

This investment is a significant step toward the government’s goal of recruiting 6,500 new teachers. However, as the Chancellor has indicated, the poor state of public finances necessitates the cancellation of several government programs, including the Advanced British Standard. 

Today’s pay award underscores the government’s appreciation for the country’s 6 million public servants and the consequences of not accepting public sector pay increases. Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson stated that while the impact of teachers on children’s life chances cannot be quantified in monetary terms, their value is undeniable. She emphasized that investing in teachers is an investment in the next generation, ensuring every child has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background. 

Phillipson acknowledged the delay in confirming pay and funding arrangements for the coming year due to the timing of the general election. The 5.5% pay increase will take effect from September 1, resulting in an average increase of over £2,500 for teachers, raising the median salary for 2024 to 2025 to over £49,000. This pay award applies to maintained schools, while academies will retain autonomy over their pay and conditions. 

The government is also taking steps to reduce teachers’ workload, improve relations with the education sector, and make teaching a more attractive profession. Starting in September, the requirement for schools to use the performance-related pay system will be removed, eliminating the need for bureaucratic processes to determine individual teachers’ pay raises. Additionally, teachers will be allowed to conduct their planning time at home, enhancing flexible working conditions for staff. 

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