Candor International School: Empowering Minds through Global Education

Candor International School
Candor International School

With a focus on inquiry-driven learning, comprehensive boarding facilities, and a commitment to safety and well-being, Candor International School paves the way for students to flourish academically, socially, and physically.

Candor stands as a distinctive CBSE residential school that emerges from the collaborative efforts of two esteemed institutions: National Public School and Candor International School. These educational giants have etched their names as leaders in the country’s education landscape. Candor is a testament to their shared vision for transformative education.

With credentials that echo excellence, Candor proudly delivers both the International Baccalaureate program and the Cambridge curricula. The school’s achievements shine with numerous awards and accolades. It clinched the top spot in India for safety and hygiene, ranked third for campus and architecture, and earned a place among the top five schools in India for day-cum-boarding.

A Fusion of Excellence in Education

National Public School (NPS), one of Candor’s holding organizations, brings with it an illustrious history of 60 years, fostering excellence and guiding young minds across Singapore, Bengaluru, Chennai, Mysore, and now Tirupati. NPS’s reputation has soared, capturing hearts and recognition. Candor NPS School Tirupati embodies this legacy, offering state-of-the-art facilities that facilitate progressive, child-centric, and holistic student development.

Guiding this journey is Dr. K.P. Gopalakrishna, a luminary in the field of education. Serving as Chairman and Founder Principal of NAFL, TISB, and the NPS Group of Schools, he shapes Candor’s path toward educational excellence.

NPS’s reputation has soared, capturing hearts and recognition. Candor NPS School Tirupati embodies this legacy, offering state-of-the-art facilities that facilitate progressive, child-centric, and holistic student development.

Beyond the Classroom

At Candor, education goes beyond the classroom. The school provides on-campus residential options for students in Grade 5 to Grade 12, catering to different needs. With both weekly and regular boarding, students find a home away from home. Weekly boarders experience weekdays on campus and head home for weekends, while regular boarders embrace a full year of enriched learning within the campus.

The residential life at Candor is thoughtfully designed for comfort and connection. Spacious and cozy hostels encourage friendships, emotional growth, and mental well-being. Shared accommodations foster a sense of community. Additional amenities like TV rooms and study areas create a balanced environment for leisure and learning. Nutritious meals are served in the dining hall, offering a diverse menu that caters to both international and Indian boarding students.

Safety takes centre stage at Candor. With CCTV cameras ensuring vigilance and round-the-clock security personnel, the campus prioritizes a secure environment. Rigorous background checks for staff members, an Emergency Response Team, and an infirmary with a dedicated nurse on-call round out the comprehensive approach to well-being.

Sports and recreation are integral to the Candor experience. From tennis and basketball courts to football fields and a state-of-the-art swimming pool, students find avenues for physical fitness and teamwork.

Championing Transformational Education

Dr. Suresh Reddy, the Founder and Chairperson of the Candor Group of Schools, possesses an exceptional vision and unwavering optimism that enabled him to transform adversity into opportunity during his time in the USA a decade ago. Dr. Reddy’s vision revolves around providing affordable, accessible, and holistic ‘International Education’ that imparts real-world skills to children. His motivation stems from the children themselves, and he firmly believes that their success hinges on imbibing moral and ethical integrity alongside leadership capabilities.

Dr. Reddy is driven by the conviction that children must embrace moral values, ethical principles, and leadership qualities to thrive in an evolving world. He aims to help children bridge the generation gap by encouraging them to introduce new and innovative ideas to their parents. In his view, the journey to success becomes smooth with key principles such as aspiration, desire, dedication, determination, concentration, and a thirst for learning. He asserts, “We at Candor take the lead by teaching students beyond the textbooks and beyond classrooms.”

Vision and Values

Candor’s mission is to foster a lifelong love of learning in students. This is achieved through cultivating respect, intercultural understanding, technological proficiency, creativity, collaboration, and active community involvement. The goal is to empower students to become global citizens who contribute meaningfully to their generation.

Candor is dedicated to shaping young adults who serve as catalysts for positive change on both national and international levels. This includes a commitment to environmental protection and upholding ethical and moral values in the face of ongoing societal, political, economic, technological, and environmental shifts. These principles are expressed through core values:

  • Love of Learning through Lifelong Inquiry
  • Respect for Diversity in People, Faith, Culture, and Ideas
  • Concern for the Community at All Levels
  • Integrity in Thought, Speech, and Action
  • Openness to Embracing the Best Models
  • Transparency in Standards and Practices

At the heart of this approach is the focus on preparing students for life. Candor cultivates a community of enthusiastic learners who possess the potential to develop into knowledgeable, compassionate, confident, and responsible global citizens.

Approach to Student Empowerment

Dr. Reddy places significant importance on the school’s priorities, which begin with ensuring that each student feels acknowledged and valued for their individuality. This approach aims to instil in students the belief that their presence holds significance and that their school experience carries meaning and purpose. This goal is pursued through various small gestures, which collectively wield a powerful impact on enhancing students’ overall well-being.

At Candor, the team is dedicated to equipping students with reliable information and a deeper comprehension of the challenges they confront. In addition, educators nurture the development of intellectual skills that enable students to critically contemplate these challenges and the societal influences that shape them. These influences encompass factors like peer pressure, advertising, social media, as well as family and cultural values. By fostering such critical thinking, the school empowers students to navigate these influences adeptly and make well-informed decisions.

Comprehensive Boarding Facilities

Candor integrates elements of international education into its teaching and learning approach, either by following an international curriculum or by incorporating these components into its educational framework. Notably, Candor has introduced both the IB and Cambridge curricula for its students. In the context of boarding schools, Candor goes above and beyond by offering state-of-the-art support facilities. These encompass academic counsellors, dedicated sports and art areas, secure and comfortable study environments, and accommodations that mirror a home-like atmosphere.

This comprehensive approach ensures that students have access to facilities and support services that parallel those offered by international institutions. As a result, students benefit from immersive and intellectually stimulating educational environments. The teaching staff in Candor’s boarding schools is carefully selected, comprising some of the finest educators in the country. Many educators also possess international teaching experience, which brings a diverse perspective to the teaching methodology. All these facets combined contribute to Candor’s commitment to providing students with a well-rounded and enriching educational experience.

Learner-Centric Method

Candor has embraced a contemporary teaching methodology that places a strong emphasis on activity-based learning, fostering a learner-centric approach that deeply engages students in the learning process. This approach involves immersing learners in the curriculum and planning, with the learner as the primary focal point. This constructivist approach encourages active participation, enabling students to construct their knowledge and enhance their skills through hands-on involvement.

Within this framework, mentors or teachers serve as guides, leading students to focus on the subject’s core objectives. This dynamic is achieved through a range of interactive activities and innovative teaching techniques, which encourage experiential learning. Notably, this approach helps mitigate unhealthy competition among students, encouraging cooperative learning and cultivating a positive and conducive study environment. As a result, Candor’s modern teaching methodology is geared towards holistic development and enriched educational experiences.

Active Learning and Enriched Education

Teaching and learning are active processes, not passive observations. At Candor, educators actively engage their students within the classroom and throughout their courses. Simply sitting and listening to teachers or regurgitating prepared answers won’t suffice for effective learning. The key to successful learning lies in engagement, and Candor’s student engagement model is structured as follows:

  • Creative: Drama, Model United Nations, and Young Entrepreneurship Program.
  • Clubs: Dance, Robotics, CANMUN, Gardening, Literacy, Science/Environment, Karate, Needle Work/Sewing, Music, Joy of giving, Labour Day, Community Service, and a few more are all part of the curriculum and real-world applications.
  • Tap into student’s prior knowledge
  • Learn students’ interests
  • Organize classroom discussions
  • Design highly relevant learning activities
  • Integrate modern technology
  • Provide timely and regular feedback in terms of progress
  • After all, a good learning pattern is beneficial for both the teachers and students, and Candor brings positive outcomes for everyone associated with the course.

Eventually, fostering an effective learning pattern benefits both educators and students, yielding positive outcomes for everyone involved. Candor’s commitment to engagement ensures an enriched educational journey that goes beyond traditional teaching methods.

Partnership Between School and Parents

Learning is a journey that commences at birth, and parents play a central role in their child’s education from the very beginning. This involvement remains significant as the child enters school. At Candor, the management prioritizes cultivating a strong partnership with both students and their parents to ensure a seamless and enriching educational experience.

The school extends a warm invitation to all parents to actively participate in their child’s school life. This involvement not only facilitates a smooth transition for the child but also fosters a sense of unity between home and school. It firmly believes that a child who witnesses their parent’s active engagement and positive support in the school environment is likely to make greater strides compared to one who perceives these two realms as disconnected.

Candor values the relationship between teachers and parents. To promote healthy communication, its teaching staff is available for one-on-one consultations after school hours, arranged through prior appointments. This interaction allows parents to discuss various aspects of their child’s development, encompassing academics, co-curricular pursuits, personal growth, and social development.

By upholding this collaborative approach, Candor aims to create a cohesive and nurturing educational environment where parents, teachers, and students work together toward the holistic growth and success of each child.

Growth through Technology and Meaningful Relationships

Through a collaborative partnership with Senses Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Candor is dedicated to harnessing technology to enhance students’ learning experiences. The Intelligent Interactive Panel Board (IIP) is a contemporary alternative to the conventional blackboard. This innovation simplifies writing, drawing, and annotating on the screen, offering intuitive tools for interaction.

Undoubtedly, education ranks among the most valuable gifts the school can provide to its children, alongside unwavering love and time. Fulfilling this aspiration, CANDOR proudly stands as a school that not only recognizes but deeply understands the essence of nurturing students. It observes them attentively, equips them aptly, and wholeheartedly supports their growth.

At Candor, the management emphasizes the significance of the teacher-student relationship. The school believes that the optimal learning environment is one where children engage closely with their educators, forming trusting connections. In this environment, they not only learn effectively but also freely express their insights and passions.

Truly, Candor is the ideal haven for children. With a commitment to leveraging technology, fostering meaningful relationships, and nurturing individual growth, the institute creates an unparalleled educational journey that empowers students to thrive and excel.

Equipping Students for a Fulfilling Future

While education is often seen as a pathway to a brighter future, true success and happiness demand more than just academic excellence. Candor recognizes that a solid education is not the sole ingredient for achievement. To thrive in the broader landscape of life, students require a foundation of strong values.

In today’s interconnected world, the ability to collaborate and communicate effectively is paramount. Candor recognizes the importance of preparing students to navigate their future by fostering creativity, instilling an understanding that failure can be a stepping stone to success, and honing their leadership and communication skills.

Candor goes beyond the classroom to nurture students’ awareness of the world’s cultures, customs, and global responsibilities. The approach at Candor isn’t just about absorbing existing knowledge but also about equipping students to generate new insights that can adapt to the ever-evolving work environment.

Through a holistic approach that integrates values, skills, and cultural awareness, Candor empowers students to face the challenges of the future with confidence, resilience, and a comprehensive perspective.


Candor International School’s noteworthy achievements include:

  • Ranked 7th in India.
  • Ranked 2nd in Karnataka and Bengaluru.
  • Achieved the 4th position in India, 1st in Karnataka and Bengaluru for Excellence in Blended Learning according to EducationWorld’s Grand Jury India School Rankings 2021-22.
  • Recognized as India’s #1 for Academic Reputation as per Education Today’s 2020-21 assessment.
  • Ranked 5th in India, 2nd in Karnataka and Bengaluru in the ‘Top 20 Day-Cum-Boarding Schools’ category, as per Education Today’s survey.
  • Earned the top spot in Innovation in Education and Best Curriculum Design by Education Today for the year 2021-22.
  • Acknowledged as one of India’s Top 20 International Schools in a survey conducted by Education Today.
  • Featured as a Forbes Great Indian School in 2018-19 and highlighted in the 13th Anniversary Special of Forbes India in 2022.
  • Recognized as a Top International Day-Cum-Boarding School by TOI, EW, and Careers360.
  • Ranked 1st in India for Safety and Hygiene.
  • Secured the 3rd position in India for Campus and Architecture.

These accolades stand as a testament to Candor International School’s dedication to providing an exceptional education experience, fostering innovation, ensuring safety, and maintaining high standards across various aspects.

Empowering Learners for an Evolving World

Candor is deeply committed to nurturing the holistic growth of every learner. The school’s mission extends beyond conventional teaching and learning; it envisions a collective future where the well-being of individuals, communities, and the planet converge.

Candor’s curriculum not only transcends the confines of the classroom but also adapts to the evolving demands of the future. As the landscape of education undergoes transformation, the school takes upon itself the vital role of enabling students to embrace risk-taking, innovation, and the seizing of opportunities.

This commitment is underpinned by two key factors. The first is the creation of a personalized learning environment that empowers and motivates each student to explore their passions, forge connections across diverse learning experiences, and collaboratively design their own learning pathways and projects.

The second factor entails laying a sturdy foundation. While literacy and numeracy remain fundamental, the digital age introduces new imperatives. Digital literacy and data literacy, given the digital transformation and the significance of big data, have taken on heightened importance. Likewise, recognizing the interconnected nature of well-being, Candor places emphasis on physical health and mental wellness.

By embracing these principles, Candor equips learners with the skills, knowledge, and values to flourish in an ever-evolving world, fostering adaptable, empowered, and well-rounded individuals who can contribute positively to society and the planet.

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