Clinical Pastoral Education Program Launched at the School of Divinity

Clinical Pastoral Education Program Launched at the School of Divinity

The Howard University School of Divinity has announced its Clinical Pastoral Education Program will be in motion starting in September 2022. The first academic class will begin in the academic year 2022-2023 in Washington – The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education has officially certified the HUSD CPE education program, which will include Level I and Level II programming.

The CPE training program is designed to equip leaders to assist people in a range of pastoral care settings, such as hospitals, hospices, prisons, universities, and corporate workplaces. The HUSD CPE program will also provide the appropriate pastoral formation, pastoral competence, and pastoral reflection to deliver quality pastoral care in clinical and non-clinical spaces by employing clinical methodologies in a variety of contexts.

Hands-on ministry at a chosen site – weekly individual and group reflection on pastoral ministry with a supervisor – and study of theoretical material from theology, behavioral sciences, and pastoral care are all part of CPE teaching. The CPE training will also incorporate theological theology and behavioral science expertise into pastoral activity, providing a variety of students for students to learn.

Moreover, the university also monitored for two years through a national advisory group of pastors, chaplains, and clinicians, worked diligently with Barbara Fears, the Assistant Professor of Religious Education, and Michael Washington (degree), Certified CPE Educator, to meet the accrediting requirements of a recognized agency of the United States Department of Education.