West Sussex County Council Receives Commendation from Ofsted for its Clear Vision


The County Council’s “clear vision for education and skills” is helping adult learners throughout West Sussex, particularly the most vulnerable.

Following an earlier this year assessment, Ofsted has praised the council’s offering for adults who need to further their learning.

The service has maintained its ‘good’ grade from a prior assessment made in 2017.

Inspectors gave the service high marks for administration and governance as well as for the calibre of the instruction and the learning environment, saying that “learners enjoy their learning and they successfully build confidence.”

The report’s main conclusions were that: Learners quickly develop their confidence and successfully complete their goals; Learners highly value their lessons, the experience they receive, and the knowledge and skills they are gaining; Young people participate in lessons despite prior negative experiences.

The majority of students gain from the extensive and ongoing career assistance and support that WSCC and its partners offer. Tutors skillfully plan activities and collaborate well with students. Tutors effectively use assessment to comprehend students’ beginning points and to check students’ understanding on a regular basis. To support the most vulnerable, such as refugees, adults with learning difficulties, and others who may not be in education, employment, or training, leaders and managers have a clear vision for education and skills.

Tutors receive highly valued training from leaders and managers, and they have clear plans for their professional development to sustain improvement. Governors are determined to make sure that the curriculum meets the needs of the communities served by WSCC and that ongoing improvement is sustained. The arrangements for safeguarding students are in place.